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Communicating and Connecting Safety Messages to Asian Communities

​​​On Thursday, May 2, 2024, from 1:00 PM-2:45 PM (Eastern), the NTSB will host a webinar titled "Communicating and Connecting Safety Messages to Asian American Communities."

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that 40,990 people died in motor vehicle traffic crashes in 2023, a decrease of about 3.6% as compared to 42,514 fatalities reported in 2022. However, not all communities and areas of the country are affected equally.

Asian American communities are incredibly diverse, representing various ethnicities and cultural backgrounds. As we consider communicating safety messages with these communities, we must recognize the unique challenges encountered. Motor vehicle crashes constitute a significant risk for Asian Americans, particularly among certain subgroups. Research indicates that recent immigrants may face higher rates of road traffic accidents due to factors such as unfamiliarity with U.S. traffic laws and road infrastructure.

Asian American communities exhibit remarkable diversity, encompassing individuals from various countries, regions, and cultural backgrounds. There are over 20 million Asian Americans in the United States, representing more than 20 distinct ethnic groups with their own languages, customs, and traditions. Despite this diversity, Asian Americans often face disparities in data collection and reporting, which hinders our understanding of their unique safety needs.

This webinar is part five in our “Communicating and Connecting Safety Messages with Underserved Communities” series," which supports Executive Order 13985: Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government. Panelists will discuss what challenges these communities have in common and ways to authentically engage with them through safety messaging.


Download the panelist bios.

  • ​Nicholas Worrell, NTSB (Moderator)
  • Adam Ungson, Communications Specialist, Multicultural, ICFNEXT
  • Leah Reish, MPH, CPH, CPST, Traffic Safety Data Analyst, NHTSA
  • Marilyn Cachola Lucey, M.A. National Director of Community Development for Asian Pacific Islander American Public Affairs (APAPA)
  • C. Y. David Yang, President and Executive Director, AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety
  • Anthony Lam, NTSB Transportation Safety Specialist​
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​​Watch the event on the NTSB YouTube Channel:
