Parasailing Safety
Parasailing Safety

Parasail canopy with associated flight gear and two knot examples
Executive Summary
This special investigation report examines parasailing accidents in the United States and its territories, and identifies several areas where the risk associated with parasailing may be mitigated. Each year, an estimated 3 to 5 million people in the United States participate in parasailing; however, no federal regulations or guidelines establish specific training or certification for parasailing operators. There is no requirement for inspection of the parasailing equipment, and no requirement to suspend operations during inclement or unsuitable weather conditions. As this report will describe, passengers seeking to enjoy the thrill, adventure, and panoramic views of parasailing risk becoming accident victims. Due to the nature of parasailing, accidents usually result in either serious injury or death.
This investigation report strives to reduce the number of injuries and fatalities associated with parasailing through recommendations that will improve safety for parasailing passengers and operators. The report also examines operations, equipment, and the various dynamic forces that affect parasailing.
As a result of this investigation, the National Transportation Safety Board makes new safety recommendations to the United States Coast Guard, the Federal Aviation Administration, and the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators.